1951 University Choir

                        The first appearance of the Dillard choir in their new blue and white robes was at the Easter Sunday 
                        Musical. The robes were handsome gifts from friends of the University. The choir appeared in several 
                        Southwestern cities on a spring tour this year. The annual concert of the choir at Commencement time 
                        received the following comments from Ewing Poteet, music critic of THE NEW ORLEANS ITEM, '... The group's
                        enunciation is remarkably distinct and understandable. It is not often that one can follow the texts of 
                        choral numbers with such ease... In matters of rhythm these Dillard choristers could give lessons to many 
                        of their more experienced colleagues...'

1951 Easter Sunday Musical performance

Choir on Tour of East
                                    The Dillard Choir is currently on a tour of the eastern United States, singing in
                                    such places as Washington, D.C., New York City, Montclair, New Jersey, Boston, Massachussets and 
                                    Providence, Rhode Island. The American Missionary Association of the Congregational Church is sponsoring
                                    the two week tour. The choir will return to the campus in time for Homecoming Founders' Weekend.

Article from the Dillard Bulletin published October 1951

Choir and Symphony Perform 'Messiah'
                                    As one of the programs in the 1951-52 series, The Lyceum Com- mittee presented the University Choir and 
                                    the New Orleans Sym- phony in Handel's 'Messiah' on December 16, 1951. The concert was given before a 
                                    capacity au- dience in Henson Hall. Featured soloists were: Lindburgh Smith, James Johnson, Roy Petty, 
                                    Lois Bashful, Gloria Delandro, Mamie Taylor and Gwendolyn Williams. The performance was received with 
                                    such enthusiasm by the student body and New Orleans music lovers that the Committee is considering 
                                    staging it again for Christmas 1952. They hope to make it an annual affair that everyone can look forward to.

December 1951 article from Dillard's newspaper, the Courtbouillon